To: President Biden

12 Years of DACA: Demand President Biden Strengthen and Expand Protections!

Twelve years ago, on August 15, 2012, immigrant youth were able to apply for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program for the first time. Now, as hundreds of thousands of DACA recipients, DACA-eligible youth, and their families await a critical decision on the fate of the program, there is no time for the Biden Administration to wait. The Biden Administration must be prepared to unapologetically defend the rights, safety, and lives of DACA recipients and immigrant communities.

SIGN THIS PETITION and call on the Biden Administration to modernize and strengthen DACA and use every opportunity to provide protection and relief outside of DACA for DACA recipients, undocumented youth, and our communities.

With the future of DACA in the hands of the conservative 5th Circuit Court, DACA recipients are facing a real threat of deportation if DACA ends. The 5th Circuit Court has a long track record of anti-immigrant decisions. Without protections in place, millions of people could lose their jobs, be separated from their loved ones, and be at risk of deportation.

The Biden Administration risks setting up entire communities, cities, and our country at large for unimaginable hardship if they do not act with the urgency this moment requires to ensure DACA recipients and DACA-eligible youth continue to have access to live, work, and remain with their families.

President Biden must act NOW and take proactive measures to strengthen and expand protections for DACA recipients, DACA-eligible and non-eligible youth, and all others who call this country their home.

Add your name today!

President Biden,

As you know, June 15 marks 12 years since immigrant youth organized and won DACA! For nearly as long, conservative courts have carried out endless legal attacks against DACA — putting the safety and stability of hundreds of thousands of DACA recipients on the line.

With the future of DACA now in the hands of the conservative 5th Circuit Court, I urge you to take proactive action to strengthen and expand protections for DACA recipients, and DACA-eligible and non-eligible youth. You have the opportunity to build on the successes of DACA and provide relief and protections for DACA recipients, and DACA-eligible and non-eligible youth.

Delaying efforts to expand and protect DACA recipients and DACA-eligible youth risks grave implications on the economic stability of our country and the safety of entire families who would be at risk of having a DACAmented loved one, provider and caregiver deported.

I am asking you to take every opportunity to modernize and strengthen DACA as a policy and provide protection and relief outside of DACA for DACA recipients, DACA-eligible and non-eligible youth, and our families and communities, beginning with:

– Providing consecutive and automatic DACA renewals
– Exercising Parole Authority for Individuals and Families in the U.S.

Most Americans support an inclusive pathway to citizenship for immigrant communities and are watching how you will respond to this moment. We urge you to demonstrate leadership and courage and use every opportunity possible to protect and expand DACA while also creating new avenues of protection and relief for millions of undocumented people.


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This March marks 21 years of ICE CBP & DHS terrorizing our immigrant communities.

Ever since their creation, ICE and CBP have targeted, detained, abused and deported immigrants while separating loved ones and tearing apart communities. Donate 21 dollars to help us fight back against the 21 years of terror.