To: Senate Democrats

Democrats, You Have the Power: Deliver Citizenship Now!

THIS JUST IN: The Parliamentarian, an advisor to the Senate, recommended citizenship for immigrant youth, TPS holders, farmworkers, and essential workers not be included in the reconciliation package.

But! This recommendation is NOT binding. The parliamentarian only gives advice, Democrats are the ones who make the rules. Democratic Senators still have a responsibility and the power to pass citizenship for millions through reconciliation.

Add your name NOW and demand that Democrats move forward a pathway to citizenship for as many people as possible through any means necessary.

Democratic leadership in the Senate – you have a responsibility and the power to pass citizenship for millions through reconciliation! The Senate parliamentarian is an unelected advisor to the Senate, not a rule-maker, meaning the decision made today is NOT binding.

The vast majority of Americans support a pathway to citizenship for millions. Immigrant communities have always been essential to our country’s infrastructure and deserve permanent protections.

You must do everything in your power to deliver citizenship through reconciliation this year. It’s been 35 years and immigrant communities cannot wait.


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