Thank You! You should be receiving a call now.

You will receive a call from 337-660-2661 shortly to be connected to the office of a key Democratic Leader (Rep. Pelosi, Sen. Schumer, Sen. Leahy, & Rep. DeLauro).

Sample Script:

Hello, my name is _______.  I’m calling to urge [MOC’S name – Rep. Pelosi, Sen. Schumer, Rep. DeLauro, Sen. Leahy] to use their leadership to propose and pass a Department of Homeland Security appropriations bill for Fiscal Year 2023 that significantly cuts funding for ICE and CBP. Congress failed us this year by shamefully sacrificing the well-being of immigrant communities and passing a bill that increased funding for detention, enforcement, and border militarization. That was unacceptable! 

Fiscal Year 2023 is this Congress’ last chance to put forth an appropriations bill that reflects our values as a country. Congress should be significantly cutting ICE and CBP funding and investing in real community needs, including community-based support services, affordable housing, community healthcare, and environmental protections.

Spread the Word

Thank you for making a call! Now, can you ask your friends and family to make a call too? Let’s hold democratic leadership accountable to invest in our communities in the 2023 budget!

Download the Toolkit

This March marks 21 years of ICE CBP & DHS terrorizing our immigrant communities.

Ever since their creation, ICE and CBP have targeted, detained, abused and deported immigrants while separating loved ones and tearing apart communities. Donate 21 dollars to help us fight back against the 21 years of terror.