For Immediate Release

UWD Staff

Home Is Here Coalition: To Make President Biden’s DACA Memo a Reality, Congress Must Immediately Pass the Dream and Promise Act

Contact: José Alonso Muñoz | | 202.810.0746

Washington, D.C. — This week, President Biden signed a Presidential Memorandum committing his administration to preserve and fortify the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, a celebrated victory for the Home Is Here Coalition which has fought to protect DACA from Republican attacks. The memorandum directs the Secretary of Homeland Security, in consultation with the Attorney General, to take all appropriate actions under the law to ensure DACA is protected. 

On Wednesday, a fact-sheet of President Biden’s immigration bill also announced an 8-year pathway to citizenship for all 11 million undocumented immigrants living in the U.S. and an expedited 3-year pathway to citizenship for DACA recipients, TPS holders and farmworkers. The Home Is Here Coalition remains steadfast in our commitment to ensuring President Biden, Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Schumer take every action possible to pass legislation that delivers on permanent protections for all immigrants.

The Home Is Here Coalition — representing 100+ organizations across the country — released the following statement: 

“After years of merciless attacks against DACA, President Biden’s recent memorandum and Day 1 immigration bill announcement are a representation of the type of welcoming and inclusive immigration system the Home Is Here Coalition has been fighting to build every day. 

Still, there is more work to be done to ensure President Biden’s immigration plan is more than just promises on paper. For nearly two years, the Senate has been sitting on the Dream and Promise Act, which would provide millions of immigrants, including those with DACA and TPS, with permanent protections from deportation. Now, with a Democratic-controlled Senate, there is no time for excuses in making this act a reality.

President Biden and Congress must lead with urgency on all fronts to achieve the protections for our communities, using all available means to pass legislation that delivers the vision laid out in the president’s immigration bill and memorandum. For us, our home has always been here. That’s why, together, we will continue to fight to win inclusive legislation that protects all 11 million undocumented immigrants.”


The Home Is Here national coalition is fighting to protect DACA recipients, their families, and all immigrant communities at the U.S. Supreme Court. DACA recipients are undocumented immigrants who came to the U.S. as children. They are also our nurses, our teachers, our coworkers, our family members, and our friends — and their home is here. For more information visit HomeIsHere.Us.


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