For Immediate Release

UWD Staff

Leading Organizations Join Forces, Launch Nationwide Campaign for Immigrant Justice

Goals: 1) Stop the Pain Caused by Trump’s Cruelty; 2) Build a Fair, Humane and Functional System; 3) Legalize Millions of Undocumented Immigrants
Contact: José Alonso Muñoz | | 202.810.0746

Washington, D.C. – This is the year.

Today leading groups from diverse sectors – local, statewide, and national – are launching the We Are Home campaign to win bold immigration policy changes that transform millions of lives. 

The campaign will spend eight figures. The campaign begins with a 6-figure digital media push  in Washington D.C. and targeted states to reach Members of Congress and encourage the Biden-Harris Administration. Leveraging the power of all partners, the campaign will engage in grassroots organizing, community mobilization, direct action, digital organizing, paid media, cultural organizing and direct advocacy. 

We Are Home is co-chaired by Community Change/Community Change Action; National Domestic Workers Alliance (NDWA)/Care in Action; Service Employees International Union (SEIU); United Farm Workers (UFW), and United We Dream.

Campaign Steering Committee members also include America’s Voice, Detention Watch Network, LA RED/Faith in Action, Fair Immigration Reform Movement (FIRM)-CASA, Coalition for Humane Immigrant Rights (CHIRLA), Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR), Make the Road New York (MRNY),, Immigration Hub, Mijente, National Korean American Service and Education Consortium (NAKASEC), National Immigration Law Center (NILC), UndocuBlack Network, UnidosUS and UNITE HERE.

The newly-hired Campaign Director is Nathaly Arriola. A proven strategist who recently led the movement to impeach former President Trump as the Executive Director of Need to Impeach. Nathaly has played key roles in the Biden-Harris transition, Obama Administration, and the Senate. 

The We Are Home coalition demands both executive and legislative changes to America’s immigration system. Our three major goals:

  • Stop the pain by undoing the cruelty of the Trump administration: We applaud the Biden-Harris Administration for imposing a 100-day moratorium on deportations and issuing six executive orders on day one. But for four years, Trump and Stephen Miller waged a relentless war on immigrants.They fundamentally changed our immigration system by executive fiat, implementing 900 executive actions, all to further a white supremacist agenda aimed at keeping out and kicking out immigrants. Now is the time to review, root out and replace these policies.
  • Build a new immigration system that is fair, humane and functional: The Biden-Harris Administration needs to transform the Department of Homeland Security, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and other parts of the federal system into a just immigration system that sees immigrants as full human beings, treats immigrants with fairness, unites families, and welcomes immigrants as new Americans. 
  • Create a roadmap to citizenship: Congress must enact legislation that creates a roadmap to citizenship for every immigrant who calls this country home. Millions of undocumented immigrants live, work, and contribute to the United States every day. It is long overdue for Congress to formally recognize immigrants with citizenship, which is supported by an overwhelming number of Americans from all walks of life.

This is the year.

Greisa Martínez Rosas, Executive Director of United We Dream

“Our collective work to mobilize millions in 2020, led by the tenacity of immigrant young people, and a Black-led multi-racial coalition of organizers, delivered this victory. With the launch of the ‘We Are Home’ campaign, we will bring the power of millions more to deliver permanent protections for our community. This is our victory, and we are demanding exactly what we organized for – a pathway to citizenship for 11 million people, stopping deportations, and defunding ICE, CBP and police. Immigrants have always been essential and we will play an integral part in the reconstruction of our country. To meet this moment, we call on President Biden, Speaker Pelosi and Majority Leader Schumer, Democrats and Republicans in both chambers take bold action and redirect our country away from the plague of white supremacy. We know that only legislation can deliver permanent protection –  DACA is the floor, not the ceiling. Our power is undeniable, our demands are undeniable. The time is now, we’re ready.” 


United We Dream is the largest immigrant youth-led organization in the nation; made up of a multi-racial and multi-ethnic network of 1.2 million members, over 100 local groups, and a reach of over 5 million per month. UWD’s vision is to push for just policies that allow everyone to thrive regardless of immigration status. United We Dream is fighting for a multi-racial democracy that works for everyone by building a movement of young people who organize and advocate for the dignity and justice of immigrants and communities of color. You can find more at

Topic(s):Defund Hate

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This March marks 21 years of ICE CBP & DHS terrorizing our immigrant communities.

Ever since their creation, ICE and CBP have targeted, detained, abused and deported immigrants while separating loved ones and tearing apart communities. Donate 21 dollars to help us fight back against the 21 years of terror.