Join us in this community care space! We will be making wellness bags to support you throughout the weekend. In this space, we’ll be making soothing bath bombs, learning about healing herbs for sleep, tummy, and energy, and setting an intention for our time together.
Coral II & Coral III
Join us to welcome immigrant youth from across the nations to talk about power, strategy, and how we win.
Crystal II Room
In this workshop, we will review youth voting trends, the history of voting oppression, and the push for self-governance.We will go over political power distribution from local to federal and how to reclaim it by choosing and advocating for our champions and ensuring that people know they have the power to make change regardless of their status.
Crystal I Room
This workshop will examine the components of successful coalitions that lead to winning campaigns. In this space, you will be able to look at examples of previous successful coalitions, and their key components, and get hands-on experience through an interactive coalition-building game.
Quartz Room
This workshop aims to revisit the history of abolition through the efforts of the Black liberation front as well as create a general understanding of the carceral system that over time has targeted minorities and communities of color. In this space, we will reimagine and co-create new systems that affirm our values, and envision a world where no human is disposable.
Coral I Room
This workshop is designed to empower activists with practical resources and strategies to combat anti-immigrant disinformation, both online and offline. We will explore the power of community organizing, pro-immigrant messaging, online activism, and advocacy, providing organizers with the tools to counter harmful disinformation effectively. Together, we can take control of the narrative, shield our communities from online radicalization, and champion our shared values.
Coral II & Coral III
The power and history of grassroots organizing & the NMDT, celebration of local victories.
Coral I Room
Have you ever wondered how much of your personal information is on the internet? If the answer is yes, join us! This training will help you understand what doxxing is and why it is important to be aware of it, as well as learn and practice tools you can use to protect yourself and help keep your community safe.
Coral II Room
This workshop aims to build an understanding of base building, how to have effective conversations, and move people from a place of apathy to inspire people to take action and win changes in their communities. Through the lens of grassroots organizing and active voice to bring engagement and transform their lives.
Azurite Room
In this workshop, participants will gain a strong understanding of fascism and what it means. They will learn about how fascism relates to the world today and how it affects their community. Additionally, participants will discover the brave ways women throughout history fought against fascism and learn how to recognize fascist language. By connecting the theme of fascism to their own experiences, participants will gain new insights and perspectives.
Crystal I Room
Participate in this informative session with grassroots organizations across the nation! This workshop brings together experienced leaders, activists, and experts to share their knowledge and strategies for advancing immigrant rights advocacy at the local level. Whether you’re a seasoned advocate or new to the field, this panel will equip you with the tools, insights, and inspiration needed to make a meaningful impact on the immigrant rights movement in your state.
Quartz Room
Landis es una organizadora comunitaria y practicante de justicia curativa chicanx, indigena y queer, honrando a su gente de México. Su práctica consiste en masaje corporal, medicina natural y prácticas holísticas. Con la guía de nuestros ancestres y la sabiduría colectiva, Landis tiene la intención de co-crear un espacio donde los participantes puedan conectarse con su magia de justicia sanadora; fortaleciendo, reflejando y aprendiendo de las prácticas de los demás. Con el apoyo del tacto sanador, la narración de historias, la respiración y las estrategias de movimiento corporal aprenderemos prácticas que podemos integrar en nuestra vida cotidiana.
Coral I Room
Nova is a queer, nonbinary transgender community organizer, and politicized yoga curator. Nova will lead us into a gentle intentional space to invite stillness and connect with the breath and body through guided movement. Centering our bodies in our shared values as a community and our hope for the future.
Coral II Room
Tushar is a community-centered acupuncturist and Tibetan lineage Tai Chi master. Tibetan Tai Chi is a gentle internal martial art to balance the mind, spirit, and body. The goal of this practice is to guide the body to be synchronized with its breath and movement. Tushar will lead us into a beginner-friendly space to learn Tibetan Tai Chi principles, as well as a sequence of body movements we can integrate into our daily lives.
Crystal I Room
Tauz is a Queer, Black, Indigenous Somatic Healer and Doula. Tauz will guide us into a powerful space for participants to build their resilience with somatic (body-centered) practices that anchor them to their commitments and provide access to a range of feelings and contexts from which to take action. A space that empowers participants to center themselves in these very challenging times. We will be working with the intelligence of our bodies, facing current conditions, and allowing that wisdom to process the complex emotions of the present.
Coral II & Coral III
End of the day closing plenary
Coral II & Coral III
Revolutionary show & tell and costume contest!
Hosted by Autumn of Dreams undocuInfluencer, host of “No Borders, Just Flavors”, Morelys Urbano
Coral II & Coral III
During this plenary session, members of the UWD Project 2034 Cross-Organization Team will be recapping the process UWD has been going through thus far to arrive at our strategic vision for the next 10 years. The Cross-Organization Team members will also lead the membership in attendance through a feedback session on the four political pillars that have emerged and a visioning exercise on what UWD will look like and achieve by 2034
Coral II & Coral III
Lessons in Winning our Demands from our Organizing Ancestors
In this workshop facilitated by Jessica Aranda, a Chicana strategist, popular educator, organizer, and healer from New Mexico, she will lead us in an exploration of successful campaigns, drawing lessons from the organizers that have come before us while challenging conventional thinking around power and community engagement.
Coral II & Coral III
Lessons in Winning our Demands from our Organizing Ancestors
We will tap into our radical imagination to brainstorm how winning looks like and engage in conversations among the many teams joining. We will have a guided activity in which we will strategize and think about what is feasible in the next year.
Coral II & Coral III
Creation of Creating the Future We Deserve Mural and presentations
Coral II & Coral III
Join UWD to Celebrate 15 YEARS OF RESILIENCE
Ever since their creation, ICE and CBP have targeted, detained, abused and deported immigrants while separating loved ones and tearing apart communities. Donate 21 dollars to help us fight back against the 21 years of terror.