Join the Here To Stay Network today and make your bold commitment to protect immigrants today!

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Join the Here To Stay Network

What is the Here To Stay Network?

With Trump pledging to carry out the largest deportation effort in our country’s history, we need all hands on deck.

The Here to Stay Network is a strong and sustainable movement to defend immigrants, and today, we’re calling on allies and all people of conscience to be prepared to take bold action to keep our communities safe from family separation and deportation.

Here’s what you can expect when you join our Here to Stay Network:
  • If you’re an immigrant, join to receive Know Your Power Resources.
  • If you’re an ally, join to receive guidance on real ways you can step up in your daily life to protect immigrants around you.

Download the Toolkit

This March marks 21 years of ICE CBP & DHS terrorizing our immigrant communities.

Ever since their creation, ICE and CBP have targeted, detained, abused and deported immigrants while separating loved ones and tearing apart communities. Donate 21 dollars to help us fight back against the 21 years of terror.