A Prayer to the Rat God

By Bo Thai

Illustrated by Kazayra Miranda


i pray to the rat god

please please please
make this cat stop chasing me
i just wanna eat cheese and chill in peace
go on a date with my babygirl
kick it and not need to play games 

i’m tired of yearning for this filthy oasis of green papers
benjamins and green cards
why he keep chasing me man
don’t he got food 
better things to do

cause I do
reunification with a dad i never had
obligation to my mom whose hopes are gone

but as long as i’m in this rat race

i feel like i’m a burden
for i live but never feel like i ever belong
to family
or to country

so i keep running never knowing when it’ll be done 

but funny the life we live
but i don’t need that 
i got Netflix now

so rat god 
please tell Tom to chill
thank you and yours truly,


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