For Immediate Release

UWD Staff

ICYMI: United We Dream Leaders Talk Congressional Push For Citizenship On TV Over the Weekend


Washington, D.C.— Over the weekend, United We Dream (UWD) Executive Director Greisa Martinez Rosas joined José Diaz Balart on MSNBC to talk about the current push for a pathway to citizenship for immigrant youth. UWD Deputy Communications Director José Alonso Munoz was also interviewed by Jorge Ramos regarding the stake of DACA on Al Punto. 

These conversations come after the elections during a critical lameduck session of Congress that provides an opportunity to pass citizenship this year. Earlier this month, UWD along with directly impacted individuals from around the country, participated in a week-long action urging Congress to pass citizenship legislation this year.

Greisa Martinez Rosas, Executive Director for United We Dream, joined José Diaz Balart, where she said:

“This is the moment for Democrats and Republicans to do their job in Congress. I believe that it’s important for us to see what has happened in places like Arizona, where we have faced incoming and incoming attacks against undocumented people. And just this November, Arizona organizers in places like LUCHA and ADAC and many others showed up and showed out. Voters…are demanding action on this… This is their opportunity to deliver and President [Biden]has promised clear action on this and is on his watch.”

Watch her full interview here

José Alonso Munoz, Deputy Communications Director for United We Dream, joined Al Punto with Jorge Ramos and said: 

“The reality is that a higher court could rule against DACA very soon. Like you’ve mentioned, Republicans will be taking control of the House of Representatives next year. They have already said they will not advance any legislation that would bring protections for immigrant youth. That is why we are using these weeks before the end of this Congress to use all of our power to fight for some relief, a path to citizenship that could give hundreds of thousands of young people who have lived here their entire lives some security.” Translated from Spanish. Watch his full interview here.


United We Dream is the largest immigrant youth-led organization in the nation; made up of a multi-racial and multi-ethnic network of 1.2 million members, over 100 local groups, and a reach of over 5 million per month. UWD’s vision is to push for just policies that allow everyone to thrive regardless of immigration status. United We Dream is fighting for a multi-racial democracy that works for everyone by building a movement of young people who organize and advocate for the dignity and justice of immigrants and communities of color. You can find more at


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